Me: angela aka Ma CobbMa Cobb’s Hat Shoppe is the place to go when your noggin is craving a very cunning orange hat! I knit sweet hats, and after I’m finished knitting them, I package them in straw and send them out to you with a loving note from Ma (along with other little goodies)!
My mission is to provide you with an „authentic“ ‚verse experience! So whether you’re buying a Jayne hat for yourself (or a Browncoat loved one), or a set of very shiny buttons, I am prepared to dazzle you! I aim to please, so you can aim to misbehave!
I’ve been hand-knitting cunning Jayne hats for quite a few years now, and I have literally knit hundreds (soon to be thousands) of these hats for people from all over the ‚verse.
Sadly, etsy and I have parted ways (see for details), but you can now find me on Facebook and Storenvy! I’ve been a buyer on etsy since August of 2006, and I love etsy so much that in May of 2008 I decided to open up a Shoppe there and start selling on etsy as well. I was looking to branch out and provide other fine crafts to them that need ‚em.
I now have a Button Machine, so keep your eyes open for fun new 1″ buttons at Ma Cobb’s Hat Shoppe! As well as other new goodies!
If you would like to stay updated with the goings-on at Ma Cobb’s Hat Shoppe, please visit my Facebook page:
Questions? Email me at fadingendlessly[at]gmail[dot]com.
When I’m not answering to the name Ma Cobb, I also go by angela. 🙂 I live just a few hours southwest of Toronto, Ontario Canada, so I call the Toronto Browncoats my family. 😉
I was a Firefly fan from the very beginning: I was one of the three people who managed to catch Firefly when it originally aired (out of order and in various time-slots) on Fox. I was a Browncoat long before the Browncoats started banding together: rebels fighting for the independents, and for quality televison, in a war we may not have been on the winning side of, but its for gorram sure we weren’t on the wrong side! And look at us: we went and got ourselves a little movie called SERENITY! After the cruel cancellation of Firefly how does a little movie like Serenity sit with us flans? Pretty cunning, I’d say! *Thank you Universal!*
I knit my first Jayne Hat for myself in the spring of 2004 for a Toronto-area con then called „Toronto Trek“ (now Polaris). My hat turned a few heads, and got a few questions, which was really nice. In the late summer I went to SFX where I found someone else with a Jayne hat! After that I knit a few Jayne hats for friends and family-members who were fans of the show, in anticipation of the upcoming movie Serenity!
In the summer of 2005 a friend and I wore our very fine orange hats to the June 23rd round of „Special Advanced Preview Screenings“ of an as-yet-unfinished movie called Serenity. Mr Sean Maher aka Simon Tam was there! After that I started knitting hats like a mad-woman for a Serenity fan-table that a few of the Toronto Browncoats were organizing at SFX 2005. We were going to promote the movie and raise money for charity. The man we call Jayne himself, Adam Baldwin, was scheduled as one of the guests in attendance at SFX 2005. The table was packed with eager Browncoats at all times: you could pick up some really shiny SWAG, like keychains, buttons, and posters, and learn about future Browncoat Shindigs all around Canada. Or you could buy one of our raffle tickets for a chance to win one of our very shiny prizes. We got the word out about the movie to many people. The hats were a very popular item at our table as well, and the nearly 30 hats that I knit sold out in about 2 hours on the first night of the event. Our table raised over $700 for our chosen charity CANFAR (the Canadian Foundation for AIDS Research). Mr Adam Baldwin came by the table twice throughout the weekend to thank us for our support of the movie, and to get his picture taken at the table with us volunteers. Awww! What a sweetie! Also, you can see the infamous video that Space filmed (featuring yours truly).
So then I decided to throw my own orange-ish hat into the ring and start knitting hats for them Browncoats as need them, and sell ‚em on my little geocities site(formerly I didn’t set out to do it for much coin, I was just doing it to bring joy to others. I was also trying to help get the word out. These bright and sunny red, orange and yellow toques (as we call ‚em up here in the black) act as a bold statement of any Browncoat’s loyalty to the fandom. As Wash says in The Message: „A man walks down the street in that hat, people know he’s not afraid of anything.“ As Browncoats we had our favourite show meddled with, and finally cancelled by Fox! And then we had our shiny Serenity that wasn’t properly backed by Universal! We are like Jayne and his cunning hat in a lot of ways: we ain’t afraid of nothin‘ (cuz what could be worse than cancellation?).
Therefore I say: Wear a Jayne hat with pride! And for everyone who asks about your shiny new hat, tell them about this brilliant show called Firefly, and the fabulous movie called Serenity. Better yet: lend them your DVDs, invite them over to see the movie (once, twice, three times, even). Go to a Charity Screening in a city near you! Cuz the more people who see Serenity, the more chance there is for SEQUELS! And maybe we’ll be on the winning side of this war yet.